Thomas Hauffen is a world traveling Fire Dancer and Performer from Norway. He is traveling to International Music and Circus Festivals teaching and perfoming. Over the course of many years years he has developed his own style and unique Charakter.
His persona The Purple Pirate is performing and teaching poi, staffs, hula hoops and more where ever he can, all over the world. Thomas has been training with fire since he was 15. He has been fascinated by the flame and dedicated his life to his
passion. He has traveled almost everywhere with his art, building his reputation as one of the best fire artists in the world, renowned in the fire artists community and loved by millions of people who have seen his shows. He has been invited to
perform for massive music events such as Rainbow Serpent Festival in Australia, Earth Frequency Festival, Total Solar Eclipse, Fusion Festival, Ozora Festival, etc.; dedicated fire events such as Phoenix Fire Convention or Stromboli Festival. He has
performed in Australia, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Israel, Norway, UK, Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, Italy, Hungary and many more!